Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Humble Model

Working with several models I have seen the ones that are the most successful are humble.  Understandably, this is a job for most models and not just let me do something cause I am bored.  That doesn't mean that you have to think you are God's gift to men and that you should be spoiled like crazy.  You look at many of the top girls and most of them are pretty humble.  Recognize that it takes others to get you to the top.  You can say thank you for 1 token it is ok.  1 token may be 5 cents, but after a while it adds up.

Currently, I am working with a model and have done her MFC profile.  She is so thrilled with it and wants to give me tokens cause she loves it so much.  She has already given me ALL her videos and kik.  I haven't asked her for anything token wise, but because she is so thankful she wants to do this. 

Be appreciative to people that help you get where you are.  There is the Chinese proverb, "Feed a man fish you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime."  Personally I believe a lot of models forget this.  I have helped several models and some appreciate everything I have done and continue to do even though I have never tipped them because what I have taught them helped them make more money then they were making before.  Other models bitch and complain about it, and end up failing as a model.  Learn to be humble and thankful to those who support you.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Maintaining Your Windows Computer

A friend of mine recently got a virus and I have never had one.  What am I doing to maintain my computer and keep it safe?

Maintaining Your Windows Computer in order of running:

1. DiskCleanup -  Run it check off ALL boxes and click ok.  This will cleanup your computer of lots of junk files you don't need and save you lots of room.

2. Disk Defragment - This will help organize your computer.

3. AntiVirus - Run a FULL Scan

4. AntiMalware - This helps get rid of anything that the AntiVirus didn't catch.

5. DiskDefragment again

All these things should be done at least 1 time a week if not more, specially if you use your computer a lot.

Which AntiVirus?  If you have Windows 8 you have Windows Defender already installed.  Personally I use ONLY that one. Windows 7 and later you will need to download that. Best of all it is 100% FREE.

 Norton and McAfee can cause their own issues.  If you are making a virus you would go after the big guys like them.  A model couldn't use Skype and I helped her uninstall both those programs from her computer and next thing you know, "Oh look Skype works."

Which AntiMalware?  I use MalwareBytes.  The paid version though.  The money you save in AntiVirus this is a bargain.  MalwareBytes will stop me from viewing websites that can be harmful to my computer.

When installing any program these day make sure that if the program wants to install a tab bar or change your homescreen that you uncheck those things.  Sometimes it wants to install other programs too that have no purpose.

Mac based computers have their own versions of these now as well.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Imgur Fix

If you have used imgur.com you will find your MFC profile doesn't work.  How do I fix this?  Here are the step by step ways to fix it.


1.  Create a free Dropbox.com account

2. Upload image

3. Click share to get share link

4. Modify share link

Here is how to modify link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1824dcnrzwa8e7w/MathGuy-Certified.png?dl=0  is the link I am starting with.

1. change www to dl

2. get rid of ?dl=0

so now it looks like this:


done and save!!!